Tuesday 29 January 2008

Oh :(

Well it seems that karma decided to rear it's ugly head today. In fairness I don't think that nice things which you work hard for should require evening out (and also, to clarify, I don't actually believe in karma - I just find it a useful way to explain shit stuff happening)

Firstly our coach was horrified at the session we did on Sunday (which was pointless, and pathetic, and the reason for my gym-going session yesterday). This in itself is a good thing, as it means we should get a decent training programme enforced (as the captains don't seem to fancy doing that themselves! Captain number 2 didn't turn up today AGAIN). However it does mean that she wanted us to work extra hard and set us a pretty hard session this morning. I then finished late (we have to go in rotations as there are too many of us and I started late) and so forgot to stretch at the end as I needed to go.

Secondly, the central organisation of music lessons decided to move mine from 12pm to 11:30am without mentioning it, so I missed it which I'm VERY irritated about.

IndieKid scared the life out of me this morning by poking his head out of the door at 6:30am when I got up to go train. Generally he's completely nocturnal (and I do mean completely - doesn't get up until 2 or 4pm some days!) so this came as somewhat of a surprise, and also made me late as he wanted to chat.

All in all I'm in a bit of a shit mood now really :(

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