Sunday 20 January 2008

Being a grown up

In general I find that people get older, they get bigger, they get more sure of themselves... but they rarely grow up. They still do silly destructive things without being quite sure why, and they still wish there was somebody there with all the answers. Having to be a grown up is a touch scary: I'm ok with being an adult - but a grown up means this whole level of maturity and lack of fun that I am just not ready for!

However, I've noticed that some of the "so sensible it's boring" advice our parents have given us for years suddenly becomes... second nature? More than that I guess...

I remember as a kid in primary school being very jealous during a class survey of bed times. I was 7 or 8 I think and my bedtime was 8pm, but other children in my class went to bed at 10! And we all thought they were so cool. Similarly in sixth form I would often stay up til 2 or 3 online talking on msn or posting on various forums. Now the opportunity to go to bed at 10 makes me feel like it's the best day ever. And if I've had a sleepless week I will happily go to bed when I come in at 8 or 9!

Similarly, my Mum always had a big thing for wearing layers. Which at the time seemed to mean wearing a vest, and a t-shirt, and a shirt, and a jumper and an ugly anorak with a big hood. (NB this is back to when I'm 7, not sixth form!) In later years she'd always insist I wouldn't be warm enough and try to convince me to wear more. Now I'm at uni I finally understand the wonders of the layers. The layers keep me warm when it's -5 outside, let me strip off to the bare minimum once I get to the scorching library (well it feels that way once I've cycled in!) and then gradually put them back on as I acclimatise. Perfect :)

Maybe I'm all grown up :O

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