Saturday 12 January 2008

Mock exams and socialising

Well I've survived my first set of mocks and all in all they weren't horrific. At this point in the year you can have a guess that they'll be made mainly out of past papers (whereas later in the year they often write originals so that it's a more realistic experience - at this stage there's no way we've learned all the material so it's a bit silly to put extra effort in) so I'd done a shed-load of essay plans and two of the ones I'd planned came up. Can't say I wrote either of them brilliantly but then I have spent a week working on an essay I have to hand in and mooning over the first draft of my dissertation (which was torn to shreds - although apparently that's normal!) so it's not like I gave it my best shot really. I'm crossing my fingers for a low 2:1 - I predict 61/62... no higher than 64 certainly, probably no lower than 65.

So that's done and finished and now I can't use "but I'm revising!!) as a real excuse to not knuckle down and carry on reading for my extended essay. *sigh*

I'm fairly surprised to be awake this early actually - because of course with mock exams yesterday that makes today the-morning-after-the-night-before. Bit of a headache but for some reason when I got home last night I sat up with a block of cheese and some crackers which seems to have helped. Have to say though I feel like uber-geek as I was home by midnight :( Granted, I couldn't be bothered to come home after exams and before the pub so I started drinking around 6 but still.

I feel like a bit of a failure as a student sometimes. It's rare for me to get into that completely-off-your-face madly clubbing mode. I know there's nothing wrong with that but the ironic thing is that I used to do it quite regularly back home. It's just that at uni I've never actually really had one group of friends who are my group. There are my coursemates, and the guys I live with, and the people I know from extra-curriculars... But I always get to happy-drunk and then somebody in the group I'm with makes some kind of in-joke and I remember that I'm on the outside and suddenly don't feel like I want to carry drinking on anymore. <-- sensitive loser. (Although that could be the hangover talking). The thing that really sucks is that when I go home I seem to have lost the ability to just go get lashed. The stop-after-5-drinks seems to perpetuate there too now. Oddness.

But hey - exams are over so maybe today will be brighter :)

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