Saturday 19 January 2008

All going wrong

Never, never go back to redo sections, re-look up quotes, re-analyse data in your dissertation unless you want to get bitchslapped with a load more work. I am the most meticulous person I know in terms of writing myself notes to say I did this here, I did that there ... Most of my spreadsheets for work have the "tidy copy" which can be printed and then the 16 page scary spreadsheet with 18 formulae and 538 IF statements. And yet I seem to spend a surprising amount of time re-drafting because I've found a tiny mistake that perpetuates through the next 87 statistical tests. I've just found the latest instance of me entirely swapping my data around (I changed which set of data was recorded on which side of the page half way through and am still paying the price 6 months later) So my wonderful conclusion, with a slightly misleading graph has now been demolished by my own sweet naive attempts to do the proper graph instead of one with reciprocals (which massively overemphasise tiny relationships). Additionally I've been told I have to keep primary information separate from any conclusions I make. So literally section 3 is Number number number, quote quote quote, stat stat stat. And then Section 4 is "In Section 3 Chapter 1 Part 12 the statistic quoted means that..." It's such a load of shit. Grrr. And despite my best attempts to cut out waffle the wordcount is now 6962. I am consoling myself by saying that this includes tables, but the actual wordcount of my project excludes them, so I've probably got an extra hundred words to play with (most of the tables are on separate sheets, but 2 are interspersed)

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