Friday 14 March 2008

You've had a bad day...

Today has been a LONG day.

Some has been good... This morning I read with every kid in my class bar silent kid and one of the non-English speaking ones. Even David read a whole book today, which made me so proud! (And slightly guilty for neglecting him because I hadn't the energy to fight him to read in English).

I am nearly done on my first draft... I'm about 100 words under at the moment, but I've still got the conclusion to write, the introduction to rewrite and a section and a half in the middle. Oh and then I've got to write an abstract type thing which means I have to get rid of another 500 words. But I know not every word is a good word. There's too much waffle... interesting things I read that weren't really relevant but I wanted to put in...

So at half 10 on a Friday night I'm stopping work and going to Other Half's. Speaking of which, I keep meaning to write a nice post about Other Half. Last night in the pub (I know!! I'm having a social life!!) there was this look that I haven't seen in a few months... maybe longer. A look that said I'm happy and I'm yours and I'm proud to be yours. Sent shivers down my spine. I guess some days this blog is my journal. My ranting place. My sounding board. Don't believe everything you read... Much of it is borne out of insecurity and exhaustion and self loathing.

Tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow will be better.

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