Thursday 13 March 2008


I have a flat tyre. Again. So annoyed!! More annoying is that I'll probably have to pay double to get them to fix it by tonight (I haven't the time to do it myself and I'm in school tomorrow morning and don't fancy a 6 mile round trip on foot!)

Last night I saw somebody jump a red light in a car. Not just an I'm accelerating and oh the light's gone red but I'll just nip through either. I was waiting at the lights, the cars that were going in other directions were all gone, and this red Ford that had been sat waiting just... went! I couldn't believe it! I mean obviously cyclists do it a lot but it's a damned sight safer!

So far this week I've been to the gym twice and swimming this morning. I seem to have strained my calves somehow (thought it was lactic build up but another gym sesh did nothing - swimming today seems to have eased it but still not completely). I've been trying to get used to using a cross trainer - I'm told this is pretty good excercise, and it's the only thing that uses my arms other than erging, which I'm trying to stay away from until I'm totally better (cos I know I'll just push my split under 2 minutes and then come off knackered cos I'm not well enough yet!)

While I was doing the washing up I broke CrazyGuy's favourite mug - it's a picture of him with his two best friends from home. I need to buy some superglue today and see if I can fix it (it's just the handle that's broken).

I've written maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of my first draft of my extended essay, although I don't know how many words yet - I'm refusing to use Word Count until I've got a whole draft. I need to go look at some more papers today but mainly I'm just writing.

Guess that's the round up for the last few days!

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