Saturday 29 March 2008

I have... friends?

Where've you been?!

I was sat on the steps of the library, minding my own business, eating a banana.


It was just before 9am, and I was eating breakfast, somewhat taken aback at being hailed this way by Bootylicious.

B: The last couple of days...
FB: Oh... I went home over Easter
B: Ooooooh - we were wondering where you were! See ya at lunch?

I nodded, and off she went.
There's a group of girls I've been regularly eating lunch with, this one and her flatmates. We picnic outside the library, as there's nowhere cheap nearby and nowhere worth going to eat our myriad of food (mostly salad, houmous and tuna in their case for some reason). We've been hanging out, but I hadn't really realised they would notice my absence, or comment on it if they had.

Last night I was having food at Albert's. He's pretty lonely by the looks of it: missing the boyfriend, and now his flatmates have gone home too. It was one of those lovely nights, but where you're very aware that you should be going - and while it's not one of those nights where you just can't bear to leave, the look in his eyes says stay... keep me company... and so you do. It was good though - very nice pasta bake that I'll have to get a recipe for.

And again today... I realised that now every time one of the rugby guys comes into the library he gives me a nod and an Alright? That would never have happened a couple of months ago. It seems that slowly but surely, 2 and a half years in, I've finally found some sense of belonging in this place...

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