Saturday 15 March 2008

Tomorrow was not better

It hasn't been THAT bad really... but I didn't start work until half 10 (so shoot me, I had a lie in!) and working on the same thing all day (still not finished... why is it always the end bits that take the longest time) has just been dragging me down. There are still 3 more workable hours in the day and I'm so tempted to just pack it in and go home. Do some laundry, do some washing up, watch some TV... anything to convince myself that I'm being productive.

On the upside: I have readers!

I put that stupid post counter in just to see how many people were occasionally stumbling across me and in the last week it's suddenly JUMPED! Somebody is actually reading my ranting!! Makes me feel quite special hehe :) Feel free to comment just to say hi!

In other news the library is getting lonely now... everyone is going home for Easter. There are three of us still left in there out of the original 10, although I'm not sure they've all gone home: a couple have been having major dissertation stress for a Friday deadline (I never thought I could be so calm, and giving advice, and lending staplers and hole punches and things) so I think they may just be taking the weekend off to recover. But at least 2 of them have definitely gone, and it just seems so quiet and lonely. Especially because the librarian doesn't turn on the lights in the rooms she's not in... so a lonely library means coming in and turning the lights on myself - just makes you feel like such a loser :-S

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