Friday 28 March 2008

Rain, rain, go away...

Yeuch. The weather right now is disgusting. A couple of days back I left the house early to go to the gym (yeh yeh, so that's every day!) and it was sorta overcast but not rainy, and it looked like the sky had run out of rain. So I chanced it and went coatless. Big mistake. It HEAVED it down - and it was just lucky that when I finally decided to chance it and cycle home (after all I can do it in less than 15 minutes and there were dry clothes here) I had to hang around and wait for someone, and in the 15 minutes it took him to turn up the rain suddenly magically stopped. It pissed it down all day and then it was over!

Next day was BEAUTIFUL weather: not just not raining, it was sunny! Of course today the rain is back and just as horrible as before - but I suppose I'll survive it *sigh*.

I've decided to get a late start tomorrow; no gym AND I'm going to the library an hour later so that makes at least an extra 2 hours in bed, probably 2.5! :O

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