Wednesday 9 April 2008


I'm ill. Again. I had flu 6 weeks ago, so you'd think I'd be immune to the common cold for a while but apparently not. This may explain my paranoid insecure raging on Saturday...

It's now less than 2 weeks until my extended essay is due in, and less than 3 until my viva (Insert silent scream HERE).

I'm really really tired, cos of this dreaded lergy trying to kill me - but I can't afford to not be working now!! I'm still managing to keep my library hours, but today I actually skipped the gym, as I felt too rough to even cycle my bike, so figured that an hour or two of hardcore training might not be the best plan.

So... plans for the next 2 weeks:
* Find someone, anyone, to read my bloody essay and tell me how to make it better
* Improve viva presentation
* Learn viva presentation
* Sleep enough to get better!!

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