I have been really impressed recently with the Boots "Expert" range. It's essentially Tesco Value for skin care and hygeine. Now normally, while not being a Value/Basic snob, I wouldn't be wanting to stick something that's as cheap as it comes on my skin (cos I break out EASY!)
But I got some of the facewipes as they're easy to throw in a bag and do my face with after the gym (as my big bottle of clearasil won't fit in my little gym wash kit). And then a female friend who knows about such things told me that the problem with my skin was that I didn't moisturise. And everybody, everywhere, in the whole wide world needed to moisturise. So one day I got some moisturiser... And while my skin still isn't amazing, it doesn't seem to be falling off in sheets either... which is nice. So I may have to keep buying this Boots Value/Basic/Expert stuff...
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