Thursday 24 April 2008

That's the way...

Today has been a bit of an epic day
Two people have cried on me
Two of my breaks have overrun (one because somebody was crying on me)
I have done circuits for the first time in ages (primarily so I could talk to the people who were attending circuits afterwards - but oh my wow does it feel good to do that many squats again...)
I am now sleepy, and my legs ache (note to self: just because you're showing people how to do the stretches you've missed out doesn't mean you should just do them for 2 or 3 seconds til they get the idea cos oh yeh it hurts when you don't do them properly - that's why you're showing them!!)
I have bought an excessive amount of food
And then just the small issue of my first exam...

Ah well - just the life of a finalist I guess.

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