Monday 12 May 2008

First day of school

I feel like a worried parent before the first day of school. Will they be ok? Will they know where to go? Will they remember everything I've told them?

The girls I'm coaching have qualifiers on Friday. I really hope they get in. They can, and if they do everything we've talked about then they will. But equally if something goes wrong, 0r if someone has a bad day, then we're on a fairly slippery slope as to whether or not they make it through.

I have far bigger, more important things to worry about right now. Like the fact that I've done no practice essay plans yet, and I haven't got time to go through everything one last time: but every time I think about it I get butterflies. And I just want to do one last training session. One last pep talk. But there's no time. They're on their own now.

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