Wednesday 14 May 2008

3 days
Up at 6am to be in library at 7am
Go home at 9pm to be in bed by 10pm
30 mins for breakfast and tea, an hour for lunch.
= 3 x (21-7-1-0.5-0.5)
= 3 x 12
= 36

36 hours
- 3 hours for a play I really want to see
- 2 hours for a rehearsal and concert
- 3 hours for qualifiers on Friday

On Sunday I can work 8-11 and then maybe 3-5 before evensong
I might at a push squeeze in 8-10 too

Max = 36 hours - 8 + 3 + 2 + 2
= .... still 36 hours

So... so... sooooooooooo screwed.

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