Thursday 7 February 2008

What is the world blogging about? Part 2

Well this week I've encountered some very interesting blogs, as well as a couple that have made me sit back in astonishment. Firstly the ones I like:

Steph and Victoria have got some really nice verses and their thoughts on Christianity, but also plenty of stuff about their every day lives, which I've enjoyed a lot. Scarlett just makes me laugh, as she's pretty quirky. (Incidentally why are all the good blogs by girls? Since when do men only write about naked women?!) And I also bizarrely found Here I Am by some 13-year-old kid who just makes me get a bit nostalgic about what it was like when school didn't matter...

And liking kids and the silly stuff they say, this also brightened my day no end.

More worryingly I found these. How many calories do you eat a day and the maximum is 1500
+!?!? Your body goes into STARVATION MODE at 1500 calories. That's barely enough to sustain basic metabolism. And there's a whole little web ring of them cheering each other on, and getting all excited when one of them gets ill and loses 3lb. People like this SCARE me.


Julie said...

You must not have ever tried to lose weight (lucky you!), because most women have to eat less than 1500 calories per day in order to shed pounds. That's just the way it is.

And in my sister's defense, she wasn't advocating getting sick in order to lose weight. She was just trying to find something good that came out of her misery.

But thanks for your concern!

Finals Blogger said...

Well in fairness I'm a sportsman, so I have to eat a fair few more calories than that just to not get sick! But I'm also a scientist, and the majority of the first 1200 calories you eat are just to maintain basic neural function. If you need to eat that few calories to lose weight then either your metabolism is really slow, or you're not doing very much excercise - personally I'd rather take the kids out to play football than deprive myself of carbs!!