Tuesday 5 February 2008

I believe we survive, George

I never thought that (as comforting as I find it) Grey's Anatomy would be the thing to give me something to start fighting for. I mean the cutting helps, and the sleeping helps, and the eating helps. But the bit that made me snap, and smile for the first time in however many days, and come back to life a bit was an episode of GA. It's the 2 parter with the ferry boat crash (not one I've seen before). And Izzie is trying to convince people that everything will be ok.
I know people die. People die in front of us every day. But Meredith will survive this. I believe - I - I believe in the good. I believe that it's been a hell of a year, and I believe that in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, we'll all be okay. I believe a lot of things. I believe that - I believe that Denny is always with me. And I believe that if I eat a tub of butter and no one sees me, then calories don't count. And I believe that surgeons who prefer staples over stitches are just lazy. And I
believe that you are a man who made a terrible mistake marrying Callie. And I believe that because I am your best friend, I can tell you this and we can be okay. I believe that even though you made this mistake, *you* will be okay. I believe we survive, George. I believe that believing we survive is what makes us survive

It's so true. I survive because I have to survive. Because I always trust that I will come out of this. Because I'm not afraid to let God take care of things... this week I became afraid and it served no purpose. So I guess I take a big breath and start again.

Court... court was a bit of a mess so I'll just leave that out.

I went to the gym last night with Shorty to do some sprint work. We spend so much time doing endurance training for what is essentially a sprint event. My times were reasonable but I reckon they were better last year - it's actually been over 8 months since I last did real sprint work, as over the summer I was on my own and in the winter training nearly slowed to a standstill. So I guess I just have to get my ass in gear and do some work on my own.

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