Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Back and angry

Well I'm back in the country. Feeling all the usual post-tour things. Except this year there's no need to look for a new choir because uh oh yeah I'm leaving.

Plenty to rile me up back here anyway. Not least of all the stupid stupid decision of the C of E to ordain women bishops without making any provision at all for the huge part of the church that believes this is not just misguided but wrong. I'll rant about this in full another time, but to put this in perspective 30 years ago there weren't so much as women deacons, yet alone priests. In 30 years 2000 years of tradition has been overturned - bit odd isn't it.

In typical OtherHalf style I've heard nothing, despite having been gone for 8 days but I'm kinda past the point where that worries me right now - odd, seeing as I screwed up my meds while I was away.

But anyway, full discussion of bishops, my time away, and the world in general to come shortly.

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